It would have been madness to turn down a box full of beef, sent to me by
Donald Russell, especially when I was promised a load of 100% pure steak mince burgers. The bank holiday weekend was coming up and there were barbeques to be had. Being the generous people they are, they chucked in a load of steak for good measure.

The sirloin, rump and rib eye were slung on for a good flaming. After being rested for as long as we could bear it, we carved them up for a steaky starter. We all had our favourites, but surprisingly mine was the sirloin (I'm usually a rib eye kind of girl). The creamy fat that lined the meat provided just the right amount of richness.

So onto the main course. Since the meat was already prepared for us, I couldn't help but cause myself more hassle and decided to try making my own brioche buns. This, of course was fraught with difficulty after I firstly had to do a mad dash for bread flour, and then while the dough was proving, realised the yeast was 6 months out of date. It didn't seem to affect it though, and they turned into little beauties. It was well worth the hassle, as their buttery sweetness was the perfect vehicle.

Some preferred their burgers simple, with just a slice of slappy cheese (the only cheese that I offered because I love it and I'm stubborn).

I like a bit of greenery in my burger, a little red onion and a slice of tomato. A touch of mustard to smear on the bun and a little ketchup is also required. I was sad I forgot the pickle.

The burgers from Donald Russell were appropriately beefy; at first I was a bit dubious about them, what with being 100% steak mince. Other burgers I've tried usually have a bit of fat in them, and these could have done with some to be extra juicy. We ate our first burger and I thought something was missing. When we slapped the others on (yes, we ate two burgers each...) I realised it was salt, and a liberal hand while they were cooking rectified that.
The brioche recipe was from
Smitten Kitchen - I made a couple of adjustments and converted it to UK measurements (I'm not going to go into how much cup measurements annoy me), so here it is:
Brioche Burger BunsMakes 8450gr strong bread flour
150gr plain flour
2 eggs
2.5 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp milk, warmed
230ml water
1.5 tsp salt
30gr butter
1 sachet of active dry yeast
Sesame seeds
In a bowl, add the warm milk, water, sugar and yeast to it and give it a good mix. Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, add the two flours, the salt, and rub the butter in to create a crumbly texture. Beat an egg and add it in, then mix in the yeast mixture. Combine well. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead for 10 minutes, until it's nice and smooth. Put it back into the bowl and cover it with clingfilm, leaving it for two hours to rise to double the size. It might not take that long if your kitchen is warm enough.
Divide the dough into 8 and then roll into a burger bun shape and place on greaseproof paper on an oven tray. Leave enough room between them (I had to do mine in 2 batches) for them to expand while cooking. Leave for an hour. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees C. Glaze with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Place a tray of water on the bottom shelf of the oven, then bake the buns for 15 minutes on a middle shelf. Remove and leave to cool on a wire rack.
Hmmmmm. What you really need is a little love from East London Steak Co. www.eastlondonsteak.co.uk
Drooling over the sirloin. Also very tempted to make the brioche buns.
I read that you ate 1.2 kg of beef in a charity eat off! If you ever need another contender, I cannot be beaten ;)
Love the look of those buns! It's so much nicer to make your own than the pappy white stuff you can buy in the shops. Maybe a bit of extra blag when BBQing burgers is so simple but I reckon they're worth it.
Don't suppose he included any of his Stornoway black pudding with it? It's just fantastic.
Loving the look of those buns!! I usually use ciabatta rolls - but I think I need to try these!!
I'm with you on the cup measurements - why would the do that?? Never understood!
Those brioche buns don't look homemade - they are so beautiful.
crazy- making your own buns- fantastic! x shayma
These burgers look good, I've often seen the Donald Russell boxes advertised and wonder what they are like. I totally agree about the plastic cheese (as I call it!). Burgers are not the same without it.
I, too, love the "slappy cheese" for burgers (made to melt, baby), though I must admit I've never heard the American slice referred to that way. : )
Very impressed you baked your own brioche for the burgers!
Burger looks nom!
I really loved this recipe too. I didn't give them enough room to spread out though. Wish I'd thought to helpfully convert it for the blog too instead of very unhelpfully just linking to it. BLOODY CUP MEASUREMENTS!!!
I really loved this recipe too. I didn't give them enough room to spread out though. Wish I'd thought to helpfully convert it for the blog too instead of very unhelpfully just linking to it. BLOODY CUP MEASUREMENTS!!!
I was thinking ooooo the brioche buns are soooo cute til I realised they are actually quite big! Still, cute. And delicious, I'm sure!
What a great idea with those burgers. It is a fast recipe and i am very hungry right now, so i`m going to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.
I enjoyed every ounce of this juicy post. I mean, every gram.
I'm awful with savory brioche. I usually make it with loads of chocolate to hide how bad the brioche is! :)
Try and try again!
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