
Thursday 21 June 2012

Roast Cockerel Stuffed with Chinese Glutinous Rice

A worried text came through from my housemate. 'Your chicken's arrived, feet and all. I gave it a poke, and, er... I think there's something inside it.' I laughed knowingly; the giblets are all inside a bag inside the chicken, of course! I carried on drinking my drink and dancing my dance without a worry in my mind. 5 hours later I stumbled back to South East London, bleary-eyed and my stomach churning. I hauled the big bird out of the fridge and visibly withered away. My dear housemate wasn't lying. Not only did it have enormous, dinosaur-like claws, THE HEAD WAS STILL ATTACHED. Wrapped up in a plastic bag, like some sort of morbid veil. There was no visible hole, which meant... oh god. The insides were still in.

I flapped (sorry) around the kitchen screeching, giggling and hyperventilating simultaneously. It was as heavy as a 4 month-old baby. I thought of my task ahead and a little retch began to take hold at the base of my throat. I was panicking. I'm squeamish, alright?

At that moment, my other housemate strode through the door, tanned and Adonis-like, the vision of manliness, and he took charge. 'Find me a YouTube video and we'll sort this.' I hid behind a door. 

'Shit, I don't know if I can do this.' 

'HARGH! Huuurrrgghhh.' Squelch-squelch-hack-splinter-squelch.

'Oooh look it's working'.

And like that, my housemate has become my new hero. Even if I did jump and scream from his careful positioning of the claws.

It was all a misunderstanding really. The lovely people at The Ginger Pig asked me to come up with a recipe for the new chickens they'll be selling. Bred in Lincolnshire / Leicestershire and hand plucked, they are offering either pullets (hens) or larger cockerels. I'd been asked whether I wanted the feet on mine, and thinking they'd be small delicate ones - you know, like the kind you have at dim sum - I said yes. Never again.

I wanted something special for this cockerel. Something to be a centre piece, to have everyone ooh'ing and ahhing over it, and something different from your usual. I decided to stuff it. Glutinous rice studded with sweet, porky Chinese sausage would soak up the fat from the bird well. Flavoured with shiitake mushrooms, made plump by the cock's juices (stop it) and finished off with a little dried mandarin peel for a tart dimension, this is quite a traditional Chinese dish. The skin is marinated in aromatics and basted well and often for a deep chrome colour. A little rice, some chicken and greenery made a different kind of Sunday roast, but a gorgeous one nonetheless. This beast feeds 6; at £8.50 / kg you can buy them here. You don't have to get yours with guts and claws.

And how does a cockerel taste? They take a lot of cooking, especially when stuffed. This one was in the oven for 4 hours, but when it came out the meat was tender and gamey, a hint of farmyard about it. The skin was tougher than a chicken's but by no means too tough; the flavour of the meat stood up to that ballsy filling well. It's not a quick recipe, but with a bit of planning ahead it should be relatively straight-forward. Don't be afraid of the blackened, gunky bits - these are quite delicious or you can scrape it off a little to reveal the gorgeous mahogany colour beneath.

Cockerel Stuffed with Glutinous Rice 

Feeds 6 as a cockerel, 4 if a chicken 

To do the night before:  
 350gr glutinous rice, washed well and soaked in water overnight 

Mix together:  
 4 tbsp oyster sauce 
2 tbsp dark soy 
4 tbsp light soy 
6 cloves of garlic, mushed in a pestle and mortar 
1 inch of ginger, minced  
2 tbsp dark brown sugar  
1 tsp level of five spice  

Mix this all together and cover your bird in it. Leave for a few hours, or preferably overnight. Don't throw leftover marinade away.  

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C.   

For the filling:  3 lap cheong, sliced thinly (Chinese sausage, you can buy it at the Chinese supermarket) 
6 shiitake mushrooms, rehydrated in hot water. Reserve the soaking juices.   
2 inches of ginger, minced  
4 cloves of garlic, minced  
1 dried mandarin peel (you can buy this in Asian supermarkets), soaked in hot water  
3 tbsp Shaoxing rice wine, or sherry  
1 tsp dark soy sauce  
3 tbsp light soy sauce  
6 stalks of spring onion, chopped roughly.   
1 tbsp cooking oil  

Fry the garlic and ginger gently with the lap cheong. Remove the stems from the mushrooms and cut into bite-sized pieces. Add to the pot. Add the mandarin peel, chopped roughly. Add the soy sauces, rice wine / sherry and the rice and toss to coat the rice. Take off the heat and add the spring onions.  Stuff the rice back into the cavity of the bird - do not overstuff as the rice expands.  

Roast - my 2.5kg cockerel took around 4 hours as I cooked in on a lower temperature. For the beginning, I added the mushroom juices into the pan and then covered with foil and cooked it for 2 hours, then removed the foil, basted with any remaining marinade and roasted it a little higher for the rest of the time, again basting every half hour or so. Leave to rest in a warm place (like the oven, switched off with the door ajar) for half an hour.  
Carve so that everyone gets some rice, and serve with some greens, like spinach stir-fried with garlic. 


  1. This is really great. It's definitely worth paying up for birds that have been carefully reared - they taste so much better. Thanks for the interesting post.

  2. Gorgeous looking Cock that! What did you do with the giblets and are those balls I can see on the chopping board?

  3. Ahhh we had so much fun playing with those massive cocks.

    Never getting bored of this

    (looks lush)

  4. What fun. Love the photo fo the feet sticking out of the oven and all the puns. Ballsy stuff indeed.

  5. May I be the first to congratulate you on your big black cock. A magnificent specimen.

  6. Tracy - thanks! Yes, the flavour was great.

    Paul - They went in the freezer for when I'm feeling braver...

    Helen - MASSIVE COCKS! Thanks :)

    Jonathan - it was fun, after the fear dissipated...

    Chris - why thank you. I am very pleased with it.

  7. You've got a great housemate to take on the bird with a youtube video!

    Have you thought about adding some black vinegar either to the marinade, stuffing or as a dipping sauce? I love the stuff and it works well with soy, Shaoxing and five spice.

  8. oooer.. I had an embarrasingly girly moment with an un-gutted fish recently...given I struggle with raw poultry in general so doubt I'd handle this badboy well! Interesting recipe though and I'm sure you'll get some cracking stock.

  9. I'll look forward to the balls recipe then! Good luck :^P

  10. Brilliant attempt at tackling the big bird. I love this, it reminds me of a Sunday roast version of the 'Lor Mei Kai'. Sounds and looks absolutely delicious!

  11. Oooh yes, love me some cock...erel. I'm surprised it wasn't gutted though...

  12. cock, it looked gorgeous (also the cock thing isn't ever going to get boring)

  13. Hah! I'm enjoying all these gutting nightmares. Glad you (or your macho roomamate) got it sorted out for you though, the finished dish looks yum! Korean stuffed chicken meets loh mai gai meets roast chicken.

  14. There's nothing more fun after a night on the town than coming home and gutting a chicken! Sorry for your misfortune, but that was hilarious! Glad you survived it.

    I've used sticky rice (and those lovely Chinese sausages) as stuffing for chicken before and it's fantastic, but I like your recipe better, much more nuanced than what I did. Dried madarin peel, genius!

  15. Awesome stuffing for yer cock (sorry), it looks like it worked a treat though. Was the bird quite fatty? If so, the gluttionous rice must've been a slippery joy. I really like the pairing of slightly gamey meat with the rich salty-savoury-sweet flavours of the far east. I would have been tempted to throw in a star anise or two as well. Another cock recipe to bookmark.


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