In all its forms the chicken does well deep fried. Katsu'ing and dousing in curry sauce in the Japanese style is how I have it most often, but recently I've had dark thoughts about a filthier affair, one tinged with the tang of Frank's Hot Sauce. Buttery thoughts clouded my mind for days. A friend conducted an experiment in veganism and abstained from all things animal for a whole month and I taunted her with tales of my trips to meaty establishments. I felt like a pretty bad person, so as soon as her month of pain and woe was over I promised her wings. Lots and lots of wings covered in a silky, buttery sauce.

The frying took longer than I thought, maybe a good 20 - 25 minutes in total. Bear that in mind so that you're not handling saucepans full of shimmering oil and gawping at the TV like I was.
Fried Chicken
Serves 3 with sides - such as celery with blue cheese dip and other such artery cloggers
1 kg chicken wings
1 tsp onion salt
1 tsp paprika
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tsp dried oregano
2 tbsp plain flour
Snip the fleshiest piece of the wing away so that they are in two pieces. Toss with the ingredients above and leave for at least 3 hours. Heat up enough vegetable oil in a large saucepan or wok and fry the chicken wings in batches; remove when golden brown and drain on kitchen towel. Fry again until a deep caramel brown colour. Douse in the sauces as detailed below, and serve with kitchen towel and beers.

For the Buffalo Wings:
100ml Frank's Hot Sauce (I'm told you can buy this at Sainsburys now.)
100gr butter
Melt the butter. Mix it with Frank's hot sauce. There.
For the Korean Fried Chicken
3 tbsp gochujang (you can buy this in Chinatown)
3 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 inch of ginger, grated
1.5 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp sesame seeds
Mix the above together except the sesame seeds - these are for sprinkling on the chicken once coated.
I love everything about this. Everything.
OMG! I was just having conversations at the weekend with friends that I have never eaten at KFC. i am soo going to make the Korean Fried Chicken.
Need Want Fried Chicken....where is nearest KFC!!!
So did I. All 8 wings of it. Screw veganism.
Chris - good. You shall be stuffing your face with hot wings very soon indeed.
What I Cooked - Quick! Get some chicken!
Stevie - Was it only 8? Christ it felt like more. Hic. Burrrrp.
bit confused as i made the first comment but didn't make the second "Quick get some chicken" weird have i been hakked!
No? I made that comment. You haven't been hacked, don't worry!
I've got a bottle of Holy Fuck hot sauce in the fridge that needs using. Do you reckon I'd get away with that and butter instead of Franks?
Chicken with franks sauce, some little gem and home made blue cheese sauce is one of my favourite meals :) I also like smothering the chicken with Tobasco's Smoked Chipotle sauce sometimes
You can buy Frank's in Sainsbury's. Not seen it in Morrisons and I did look.
Pavel - I think Holy Fuck might quite hot! Perhaps up the butter content to make it a bit milder. Or, you know, burn your face off ;)
No Reservations - Oooh that smoked chipotle sounds great; will look it up.
Helen - oops. Have amended, thanks.
Oh yes! Love love love fried chicken and am thinking of having it for Christmas (Japanese style - not Japanese style chicken but the Japanese way of having fried chicken for Xmas) this year.
Su Lin - Oooh I didn't know the Japanese had fried chicken for Xmas, sounds like a great tradition.
I love fried chicken. It's one of those comfort food that I always crave for whenever I' feeling a bit under the weather. I have recently wrote about southern fried chicken recipe which I think you should definitely try out the when you can.
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