When I first heard about
haggis dim sum, I was immediately repulsed. It seemed like a really ill-advised dim sum creation, much like Ping Pong's chicken, lemongrass and pineapple monstrosity. But then the more I thought about it, and the more I panicked about the hefty lump of leftover haggis sitting in my fridge, I thought why not? It's just minced meat and oats in a dough casing. After all, I am a quarter Scottish and half Chinese. It might possibly work.

I didn't think that a steamed dumpling would be particularly attractive and would be quite challenging texture-wise, so I plumped for the pot sticker dumplings. Fried bottoms and steamed tops would give the best of both worlds.

It worked. Crisp, crunchy bases yielded to the softer steamed dough. The oaty, meaty mixture within had some spring onion mixed in it to give it a bit more flavour. Dunked into a dipping sauce of black vinegar with ginger, this made a very plausible snack indeed.

There's not really a recipe for this. Take your leftover haggis, mix with some finely sliced spring onion, stuff it in a dumpling wrapper (
recipe here) and pleat. Fry in a pan, add a bit of water, steam with the lid on for 10 or so minutes, take the lid off, add another dribble of oil and fry until the bases are crispy.
These freeze really well, and are easy to cook from frozen.
you know i LOVE haggis, I had it with every meal when we went to Scotland so it goes without saying I think your little creation is AWESOME :) Hope you also enjoyed eating the haggis!
I'll admit I had the same initial reaction but like you say, why not? Nothing worse than the haggis going to waste. I adore pot stickers. Very satisfying textures indeed. Wee haggis dumplings!
These were seriously awesome - even better than the Min Jiang ones because of the texture contrasts.
ok, time for an admission - i've never had haggis! Next year!
Lizzie, not a fan of haggis,probably wont ever make haggis potstickers, but as always, admire and love your posts (including this one), and photos as well. it's a unique idea- but not for the meek :)
x shayma
Glad to see the quarter-Scottish in you didn't feel the need to batter the dumpling and put it in the deep fat fryer !
Very creative! I am not a fan of haggis, I find the flavour too strong for me, but I am sure it can work if you like it.
They look pretty tasty to me, indeed they might be an improvement on how haggis is normally served. They'd be delicious with some decent Fino, I'd wager. Well done Lizzie!
Sounds delicious! I love haggis and Lisa has taught me to love potstickers; the thought of the combination has me salivating (full of Indian comfort food as we both are at the moment!) and keen to put into practice.
I am still grossed out - but your creations look awesome! I am thinking a haggis tasting will make it to the agenda sometime soon...
H :)
I was v tempted to go to Min Jiang's Burns Night, where they had these (or was it haggis wontons?) on the menu. Anyway, whatever. Glad you made them, and glad they worked out. Thanks, too, for the reference back to your dumpling wrapper recipe - after my last mashup of keema and shepherd's pie, I need to give this a try!
I'm going to make these for my nieces and nephew - they're half Scottish and half Burmese so they should appreciate them :)
Btw, what's the other quarter then?
Quite simply that is little short of genius. Love it. In terms of fusion food, that comes close to the chicken balti pie
Love haggis, they are definitely one to go on the 'to do list'
Brilliant idea, I bet these taste amazing.
Catty - Thanks! I did enjoy the haggis, much more than I thought I would.
Helen - They were very cute! The crunch was great - I am a fan of double oiling (!)
Chris - Yay! Glad you liked them. You'll be a haggis dim sum expert before long.
Su-Lin - this was my first! Take the plunge, and try not to think about exactly what's in it...
Shayma - Ah, it's just minced meat and oats... But you're right, haggis isn't everyone's dish.
Mr Noodles - I seriously considered it.
David - thanks! Perhaps it would be good for anyone squeamish about haggis and the way it looks.
Nightwol - Potstickers are one of my favourite dumplings - such crispy bottoms.
Hannah - why are you grossed out?
A forkful - They had a variety of haggis dim sum. Definitely give it a go - it's a bit time consuming to pleat if you have oafish fingers but I'm sure you'll do fine.
Meemalee - yes! Definitely. The other quarter is plain ol' English :)
Just Cook It - thank you kindly. I don't think I'll be trying that chicken balti pie in a hurry, but a friend of mine swears by chicken tikka masala pasta. Eurgh.
H - I thoroughly recommend it!
Sarah - thanks! They were pretty good.
Looks so beautiful I love to try it
I find myself craving these in spite of myself (no offence!).
I like out-side-the-box haggis!
Great idea. I doubt I'll ever make them... but would love to try them. So next time can you make a few extra and sned me some in the post?
Fusion cuisine I can get behind - it makes total sense and those dumplings look delicious.
sounds wonderful - and so imaginative! Love it.
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