Feeds 4
1 large or two medium aubergines
6 large ripe tomatoes
A handful of basil leaves
1 tub of ricotta
1 ball of mozzerella
50gr Parmesan
2 cloves of garlic
200gr plain flour
115gr butter, very cold cut into a dice
4 tbsp water
4 tbsp sour cream
A large pinch of salt
A squeeze of lemon juice
1 egg yolk
Slice the aubergine to about a finger's thickness and fry in hot oil on both sides until browned. Set to one side. Slice the tomatoes to a similar thickness, drizzle with oil. Mince the two cloves of garlic and scatter on top, seasoning with salt and pepper. Place under a medium grill for about 15 minutes.
Drain the mozerella ball and place in a sieve with a plate on top, and a tin of beans on the plate to squeeze some water out. Add the flour and salt to a big bowl. Add the butter and rub into the flour, working quickly. In a separate bowl, mix the water, sour cream and lemon juice until it's all incorporated and add it to the flour. Mix with your hands until it forms a dough and then stop immediately. Wrap in clingfilm and put in the fridge for an hour.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Grease a large sheet of greaseproof paper and place on a baking tray. Roll the pastry out into a rectangle to a half inch thickness. Leaving about a 3 inch gap, spread the ricotta over the pastry. Place a row of tomato slices (these should be thick, messy and gloopy), then a row of aubergine slices, slightly overlapping until you get to the other side. Scatter the basil leaves on top, reserving about 3 or 4. Slice the mozerella ball roughly and place the slices evenly on top, then repeat with the tomato and aubergine. Grate the Parmesan on top.
Glaze the pastry with the egg yolk and place in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes, until it's all bubbly and lovely and the pastry is browned. Leave to stand for 10 minutes, then slice the remaining basil leaves into slivers and scatter on top before serving.
freeform but nice and easy....
I have been waiting for my veg box to turn up with aubergines in to try out a few of your latest recipes, but I think that at this rate I'll be better off buying some extra ones.
Once again - Looks delicious!
You are Miss Aubergine! Love aubergines. This looks like a wicked lunch.
Nice. I too thought they were a form of pancake... and with this comment you've only got another 278 more to catch up with Smitten Kitchen!
i think i have already commented many time on your blog about how much i adore the aubergine- and paired with tomatoes and carbs- utter heaven. love this galette youve created, Lizzie. a perfect accompaniment for an apéro. x shayma
What a gorgeously looking galette, and perfect for picnics and good wine! But then I am such a sucker for aubergines, by far my favourite vegetable.
Luiz @ The London Foodie
What a beautiful dish...looks amazing:)
Mmmmm, looks so tasty I almost licked the screen!
Yum, this has just amde me very very hungry!
Ooh, this looks really good. Perfect for picnics or for taking to work in a lunchbox.
Sort of made this on Friday for a picnic with my parents on Saturday. "Sort of" because I actually combined this with the recipe you based it and then fiddled a bit more to make a yellow and green courgette and goats cheese galette. It turned out brilliantly, and even my goats cheese hating mum (which I'd actually forgotten about...oops) enjoyed it.
Had a few problems making the dough though; when I added the liquid ingredients and tried to combine it just turned into a thick paste rather than a dough. Resolved it by shaking in extra bits of flour until it was *just* dry enough to form a wet dough and then left it alone but I'm wondering where I could have gone wrong as I followed the instructions and amounts? If you've any ideas I'd really appreciate it please as my mum wants the recipe now but I want to make sure before I send it that she won't have the same problems as me.
Hi Becca
Sorry to hear it was a bit sloppy. I'm not sure exactly what might have gone wrong for you, perhaps try it with 230gr flour? to be honest, I did convert it from an American recipe so maybe my numbers are dodgy...
Nice Work - I'm throwing a BBQ this weekend and I'm def going to make this. Thanks babe x
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