
Sunday 18 December 2011

Black Pudding & Apple Sossidge Rolls

I'm not sure why but I associate sossidge rolls most with Christmas. Perhaps it's the decadence of wrapping pork in buttery, fluffy pastry? Or that I mainly make them for parties, most of which occur around Christmas time. I usually try and put a twist on them; mixing the sausagemeat with raw chorizo works well, as did these beauties; black pudding and apple. The black pudding gives it a deeper porky flavour, with the chunks of the Bramley apple bringing out the flavour more and adding some sweetness. I've found that fruit works the best; chunks of soft apricot and apple with some hot smoked paprika also went down a storm.

Black Pudding & Apple Sossidge Rolls

Makes shitloads

500gr sausagemeat
2 slices of black pudding
1 small Bramley apple
1 small onion
1 sheet of ready rolled puff pastry, or make your own rough puff
1 egg

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Dice the apple and the onion. Mix with the sausagemeat. Chop the black pudding up finely and then add to the sausagemeat, mixing well again. Slice the sheet of pastry lengthways into three. Add the sausagemeat in a roll down the middle of each sheet and pinch the pastry closed around it.

Slice into bite sized pieces. You can freeze this on a sheet now and bag it later, or brush with egg and bake on a greased tray for 20 - 25 minutes, until golden brown.


  1. You know what would make these better? PEANUT BUTTER! (I joke - they were lush).

  2. This would be something nice for me to make with the bf for my parents :)

  3. Mmmmm... sossidges! Made some this week, and thought they might be better with something fruity/sweet in. Very much like the inclusion of apple.

  4. Brilliant. These are now going to make an appearance at our Christmas.

  5. Helen - mmm you're right. I should have made a peanut butter dip!

    Gary - Good idea :)

    LM - They were very delicious.

    North19 - fruit and pork go so well together.

    Paunchos - Hurrah! Hope you like them.

  6. Like it, just for cook in a lazy rainy afternoon

  7. Why don't you spell 'sausage' properly?

  8. Anon - I don't know. Fit of whimsy?

  9. Mmmm might have to try this one! You might like to see my upcoming blog post on making your own pork pies. As an english chef whose been living in france for the past 3 years,I am now seriously beginning to miss the treats I took for granted in the UK.
    Here is a link to my blog....

    Keep blogging! Cheers A

  10. omg these sound so good! what an awesome idea to use black pudding in sausage roll for that extra something. i don't know if sausage rolls are a christmassy thing or not, i would gladly have sausage rolls anytime of the year if i could, really.


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