
Thursday 15 December 2011

Top 5 of 2011

Toptable asked me to submit my top 5 restaurants of 2011 and I went for a couple of the obvious and a couple off the beaten track. I tried to steer clear of my Top 10 of 2010 just for some variation, and here they are:

1. Jose - good lord those prawns. That jamon. The bustling atmosphere.

2. The Heron - FIRE! In my face!

3. Dragon Palace - Still the best steamed dim sum I've had in London.

4. Chaconia - Soft, pliable rotis stuffed with curry. I've only been twice but I get such a warm welcome.

5. Meat Liquor - Burgers, cocktails and you leave with a mild sense of sleaze. I am obsessed with their deep fried pickles.

The worst?

That goes to Fish! in Borough Market. I visited with my parents and a friend and a rude, sarcastic waiter should probably be looking to work in a different industry. Depressingly packed to the rafters, the room was loud and uncomfortable; waiting staff pushed past my chair to get to other tables. I had to ask THREE times to order some wine; I get grouchy when I am denied booze. To top it all off, £50 per head for two mediocre courses and no sides. Avoid like the plague.

So, what did I miss? Where should I be going immediately?

To see other bloggers' Top 5, click here.


  1. Can we got a top 5 worst? Everyone loves to read about the shit places

  2. Yep, would love to read your 5 worst too!
    Haven't eaten out too much this year because I rashly decided to get a mortgage (burgers or legal fees - tough choice) but I'd go for Spuntino, St Ali, Hawksmoor Seven Dials, maybe Brawn and the whole of Brixton Village.

  3. Patrick - Now there's a good idea...

    Katy - Excellent, thanks for your list; haven't been to most of them so will check it out. Legal fees instead of burger? Sob.

  4. Hawksmoor Seven Dials, Ba Shan and Princess Garden of Mayfair are three places new to me in 2011 that I adore.

  5. Looking at their website spending £50 on a starter and a main takes some doing.

  6. Mr Noodles - Oooh yes I did love Ba Shan too.

    Dave - 4 of us had 1 pre dinner drink each, a bottle of wine, a starter, a main course and coffees. Sorry, perhaps I should have specified the coffees. Either way it wasn't worth it.

  7. Nice list Lizzie, I've been to none of these apart from Jose (which made it into my top 5, it really is cracking isn't it?). Loads of new places for me to visit then!

  8. hahaha, love the list! I agree though, we need a top 5 worst to rounds things out! facing direction

  9. ooh nice list! I havent been to many places in london because I don't eat out much here but they do sound fab! just went to take a look at jose and it really reminds me of the tapas I had in spain (just came back from barcelona and seville)!

  10. Great list. And I absolutely concur that Fish! is biggest waste of space ever, and a total let-down for Borough Market.


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